I missed writing a month here for the first time in what would have been two years in August . It shocked me. I didn't even realize it until sitting down to start this post.
There were a couple of quick posts to group , some videos added to utube.
I am now also showing work with Wescover and have finally taken a serious bite out of getting the outdoor work area together on the far back concrete pad in the garden.
Evolving techniques with cardboard recycle continue. I decided to remove the seahorse from the shadow box that was started a month ago- cover it in crete chae and mount it to a narrow steel plate- I was getting pretty excited about how that was developing until part of my kitchen ceiling came down ! And you guessed it - another divergent extravaganza ensued. Two days of scraping old glue and plaster on a ladder was not fun or planned .
Glaze making and adjusting for new clay work samples were successful. The two obelisks below were made using the cardboard template methods shown in the utube videos.

June was full of surprises and one of them entailed a very spur of the moment flight being booked. New England is spectacularly beautiful.
I always forget really how beautiful in terms of color, texture and land structures. However, I am never there for long before I have the immense and certain feeling it is time to leave again. It was a trip worth taking; keeping my promise to deliver a friends ashes and seeing loved ones who also were dealing with loss and challenge.
Every time I travel there I feel it will be the last time and at some point that will be true.
I find the experience of merely being there though beautiful , painful, bittersweet.
There are a few weeks left to summer - school starts again in mid August. I hope to use the last few weeks to finish up the outdoor area so it is ready for large work when the weather cools and spend some time on getting the wall mounted crete chae seahorse complete. Happy summer to all and enjoy each day you have with each other.
Work hard , take risks and find resolutions for your studio work and your happiness.